Thursday, April 5, 2012


Down the driveway we drove. Sitting in the front seat. I couldn’t sit still. I just couldn’t wait. Listening to the music. I was getting impatient . Come on , come on I repeated in my head. It was a exciting Morning .

“We are here” said Mrs Tui . She parks the car. I quickly jump out like a flea. I grab my bag . We were greeted by Brother Philip Taking their shoes off at the door everyone made their way into the meeting room.

We then rushed to see our rooms and our neighbours.

The day continued with a activity Noahs ark. My partner was Ofa. We received a Paper bag each . They had different materials in it. We had to make a boat. After the boat making it was time to move to the back. A rock per each person to place on their boat. Unfortunately we weren't one of the winners

The day continued. We played more activities. It was FINALLY time to rest . After our last activity it was time to shower. Dinner time !

Getting up at 7:45. Brushing our teeth and combing our hair. It was time for breakfast . Yogurt , weet-bix , juice , toast e.t.c . I sat with the same group of people.

Our next activity was stations of the cross . My stations was 1, 2 ,3 .

After lunch it was now time to act out the stations of the cross . Everyone did great.
Sadly it was time to go. We all said thank you to brother Philip. Off we went in our rides. Back to school .

My two days at St Francis retreat this is what a learnt .To be a leader I have to be Honest , trustworthy , faithful , committed . I have to be committed in my learning, committed in groups I belong to. I also need to make the right choices . Another key of being a leader is being helpful. Helping teachers when they asked and pupils who need help.

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