Saturday, January 29, 2011

Last day of school

It was the 16th of December, the last day of school. It was also sadly the last day for Year 8, as they move with their life on to college. Holding their memories of St Pius X school inside them.

At the beginning of the day we all lined up ready to receive our daily messages from the teachers. As Room 6 walked into the classroom staring at our stocking’s that we made the day before we saw chocolate, candy canes and so much more.

As we said our prayer I was thinking about the new journey next year in 2011 with Mrs Tui as my teacher. Next our prayer ended with the sign of the cross in English.

As the day went on room 6 was finishing off our left over work and also helping Miss G take down our posters and pictures from the wall for next years students. It was finally morning tea as room 6 went to the tennis courts to play dodgeball. ’RINNNNGG’ went the bell as room 6 ran to line up.

In the middle block of the room was a stack the tables with everything else in the middle of our classroom. The school rang which meant that everyone had to make their way to the hall for a final assembly and giving out the last certificates of the year.

One of the first certificates went to a girl named Anita. As the certificate’s went on it came up to the music certificates for recorder, ukulele, guitar and so on. As I was sitting down when I looked up I heard my name be called out for guitar. I was shocked
because I thought that another boy in the guitar group would get the award. As I walked up I felt proud and shy because everybody was staring at me.

As the assembly was ending it was time to give out the trophy and large glossy book, which was the Mainfrieght Award. As they were annoucing the person I was excited to find out who the person was. Mr Coakley said “And the award goes to...........
..........................Latai Vakauta”. Latai was lucky to get the award because she was one of the year 8’s leaving St Pius and now she has something to remind her about St Pius X School.

The assembly finally finished, it was a happy end. The year 8’s were signing each others blouse’s and room 6 ate chocolates and the rest of the school were saying bye to their f
riend’s and teachers.

That was the end of 2010 at St Pius X School and good luck to those year 8’s on their way to college in 2011.

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